Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 5 mins cardio + Mobility Strength: 10 mins to build to a 3 rep heavy complex: 1xHang Power Clean 1x STOH Work Capacity: Competitor "For Time 5rds Cindy Followed by 5rds 'DT' (70/55) Performance For Time 5rds Cindy...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: 10 Mins to establish a 1RM OHS Work Capacity: 15 Min EMOM Min 1: 2 Reps OHS@ 70% of above heavy single Min 2: 5x HSPU (scaled as needed) Min 3:...

Warm Up: 5 mins cardio + Mobility 20 min EMOM Min 1: 30 sec row Min 2: 15x KB Swings (medium weight) Min 3: 30 sec Assault Bike Min 4: 10x Burpees 4th Quarter: 20 mins coach...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: Front squat 5x8 @ 70% 1RM Work Capacity Competitor: 21-15-9 Back Rack Lunge (55/45 in place) TTB 42-30-18 DU Performance: 21-15-9 Back Rack Lunge (45/35in place) TTB/K2E 42-30-18 DU Fitness: 21-15-9 Back Rack Lunge (35/25 in place) Straight Leg Raise/V-ups 80-60-40 SU...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Work Capacity: 30 Min Time Cap Competitor: 50 cal row 50x Box Jump (24/20) 50x Deadlift (70/50) 50x Air Squat 50x Deadlift 50x Box Jump 50 cal row Performance: 50 cal row 50x Box Jump (24/20) 50x Deadlift...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: 12 Min EMOM 3x Push Press @ 70% Work Capacity Competitor: 4RFT 10x Ring MU 10x Cleans (60/45) 10x STOH Performance: 4RFT 10x Ring MU Turnovers 10x Cleans (50/40) 10x STOH Fitness: 4RFT 8x Pull Ups +...

Warm Up: 5 mins cardio (Row, Ski, Bike)+ Mobility Hamstring Mobility Strength: 12 Min EMOM 3 DL @65% Work Capacity Competitor 21-15-9 Pull Up Power Snatch (42.5/30) Performance 21-15-9 Pull Up Power Snatch (35/25) Fitness 21-15-9 Bar Pull Up/ Ring Row Power Snatch (30/20)  ...