Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Assisted Stretching Shoulders/Scaps Strength/Skill: PC Tekkers 3x10 reps (build weight to each set) Work Capacity: Competitor: Isobel RX Performance: Isobel (50/35) Fitness: Isobel (40/25)...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobilty WOD Prep Competition: 2 Lap Run 8Rds 4x Strict C2B Pull Up 6x Handstand Push Ups 8x Pistols 2 Lap Run Performance: 2 Lap Run 8Rds 5x Strict Pull Up 10x Push Ups 15x Air Squat 2 Lap Run Fitness: 1...

Warm Up: 1 lap + Mobility Strength: Full Snatch Tekkers 3x5 reps (build weight to each set, cycling the bar) Work Capacity: Weakness Wednesday Odd Min: barbell or gymnastics skill 3-5 reps Even Min: Conditioning 30-40...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: Strict Dips Programme Work Capacity: Competitor: 40-30-20-10 Medball cluster (20/14) KB Snatch (24/16) Performance: 40-30-20-10 Medball cluster (20/14) KB Swing (24/16) Fitness: 40-30-20-10 Medball clean (14/10) KB Swing (16/12)...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility Squat and Front rack mobility Strength: Front Squat 7x2, build to a heavy double for the day. Work Capacity: Competitor: 21-15-9 Deadlift (120/85) Push Ups Performance: 21-15-9 Deadlift (85/60) Push Ups Fitness: 21-15-9 Deadlift (65/45) Push Ups  ...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility Strict Pull Up Programme Work Capacity Competitor: Mary Full of Grace 3 Cycles 3rds Mary 10x C+J (60/42.5) Performance: Cindy Full of Grace 3 Cycles 3rds Cindy 10x C+J (60/42.5) Fitness: Cindy Full...