02 Nov WOD 3rd November 2016
Warm Up: 400m + mobility 2rds 10x Passover, 10x burpee, 10x air squat Strength: Catch Up Endurance WOD 100x DU, 1k Row, 800m Run...
Warm Up: 400m + mobility 2rds 10x Passover, 10x burpee, 10x air squat Strength: Catch Up Endurance WOD 100x DU, 1k Row, 800m Run...
Warm Up: 400m + mobility 2rds 15x 6 Point Rocks 10x Goblet Squat 15 sec HS Plank strength: Bk Squat 2x5 at 5kg higher than last week 3x8 Box Squat @70-80% Work Capacity Competitor/Performance 'JT' 21-15-9 HSPU (performance can scale with ab-mats as...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobilty 2rds 10x Air Squat 10x Jump Squat 1 Length Box Bounding 4x Partner Banded Sprints Work Capacity Competition 6RFT 200m Run 3 x Complex of 1 x D.L / 2 x Hang Power Cleans /...
Warm Up 400m + Mobility 10x Banded Leg Raise (5x each leg) 10x Banded GM 5x PVC SLDL each leg Strength DL 2x 5, 5kg increase from last week 3x8 Clean Pull @70-80% Work Capacity Competitor 6min AMRAP 3 X...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 100m each Partner Piggy back 10x Syncro burpee 10 x partner wall ball WOD Prep Partner WOD: 800m run (split as needed ie x2 400m, 4x 200m) 100x Lunges 400m Plate carry as...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2 rds 10x WallBall 10x Burpee 2x Wall Walk Strength: Catch Up Endurance WOD Row 6x 500m 60 sec rest...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2rds 10x wall ball 10x jump squat 2x length of box braod jump WOD Prep Competitor: 7RFT 400m Run 10 x HSPU 2 x Rope Climbs Performance: 77RFT 400m Run 15x Push Press (60/42.5) 15x Burpee over bar Fitness: 7RFT 400m...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2rds 10xBanded Leg Raise 10x Banded GM 5x each leg PVC SLDL 10x hip Hinge Patterning 15 sec HS Plank Strength: DL 2x5 at same weight as last week 3x8 Clean Pull @70-80% Work Capacity Competition: 12,9,6 Clusters...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2rds 15x Pass Overs 5x Ring Scap Activation 15 Sec HS Plank 10x FR High Elbows Strength: Push Press 2x5 at same weight as last week 3x8 Push Jerk @70-80% Work Capacity Competition and Performance: 'Danny' 20...
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2rds 10x 6 Point Rocks 10x Goblet Squat- 20 sec hold 15 sec HS Plank Partner Hip Flexor Activation Strength: Bk Squat 2x5 at same weight as last week 3x8 Box Squat @70-80% Work...