Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2rds 10x Air Squat 10x Jump Squat 1 Length Box Broad Jump Strength: 15 Min to establish a Max Height Box Jump Work Capacity: Competitor: 8min AMRAP 6 x Squat Snatches (60/40) 6 x Burpee...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2 rds 10x Banded Leg Raise 5x Banded GM each leg 5x PVC SLDL each leg Hinge Patterning 15 sec HS Plank Strength: DL 2x8@ 10 RM 3x10 Clean Pull @70-80% Work Capacity: Competition/ Performance 200x DU Every...

Warm Up: 2rds 100m partner carry, 10x syncro burpee, 10x syncro airsquat Mobility Partner Wod 2 Rds For time (break up as needed) 60x Box Jump 50x Jump Squats 40x Dips 60x Walking Lunge 50x Push Ups...

400m + Mobility 2rds 10x wall ball 10x jump squat 2x length of box broad jump Testing Test 1 RM Power Clean Test 3 Cone Drill Work Capacity Competition: 15 Min AMRAP 10x Power Clean (70/50) 10x TTB Performance: 15 Min AMRAP 10x Power Clean...

Warm Up: 400+Mobility 2 rds 10x WallBall 10x BallSlam 10x Twisting Wall Throws Strength: Catch Up Day 10RM Bk Squat, Push Press or DL Work Capacity: 2rds 6x50m sprint. 30 secs rest between sprints, 2 min rest between rounds. Mobility: Foam...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility 2rds 10x Banded Leg Raise 10x Banded GM 5x PVC SLDL Hinge Patterning HS Plank Testing: Max Height Jump 15mins to establish 10RM DL Work Capacity Competition/Performance: 8 mins, 10x KB swings every 30 seconds (24/16) Fitness: 8 mins, 10x KB...

Warm Up+ Mobility. 2 Rds 10x Pass Overs 5x Ring Scap Activation 15 sec HS Plank FR High Elbows Test: 15 mins to establish 10 RM Push Press Work Capacity: Competition+ Performance: "For Time 10-1 Burpees 20-2 Hollow Rocks" Fitness: "For Time 10-1 Burpees 20-2 Hollow Rocks (scaled as needed)"...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility 6 Point Rocks Goblet Squat Partner Hip Flexor Act HS Plank Testing Max Broad Jump 10RM Back Squat Mobility: Calf, Quad and Glute Foam Roll 60 secs each side...

Warm Up: 400+Mobility TTB Testing: 2x Attempts at max reps of either: TTB, L Raise, Knee Raise. Work Capacity: Competitor: Tabata: Thrusters (42.5/35) TTB Performance: Front Squats (40/30) TTB Fitness: Front Squats (30/20) L-Raise/Knee Raise   Coaches Notes: Tabata sets to finish the week....