Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility WOD Prep Work Capacity Competition: New Benchmark “Candy” 5RFT 20 x Pull Ups 40 x Push Ups 60 x Air Squats Performance: 'Cindy' AMRAP 20 mins 5x Pull Up, 10x Push Up,15x Air Squat Fitness: Cindy' AMRAP...

5 mins DU Practice + Mobility Pistols: Skill: Foot behind calf pistol 3x6 Strength: 3x3 pistols each leg, 5 seconds lower, drive straight up. Ring can be used to scale if needed. Work Capacity: Deadlift 3@70%, 3@80%,...

Warm Up: Medball Volleyball and Mobility Handstand Skill: Chest to wall handstand into headstand feet off wall Strength: Bottom up HSPU 3x5 Work Capacity Competition: 50,40,30,20,10 DU 5,4,3,2,1 complex of: 1x Pull Up, 1x C2B, 1xTTB, 1x Bar...

400m Run + Mobility WOD Prep: front rack mobility, hamstring and quad work. Partner WOD: You go-I go as needed 42-30-18 Burpees over bar overhead squats 40/30 (scale as needed) Sit Ups 200m run as a pair between rounds....

Warm Up: Medball Volleyball+Mobility Prep Work Capacity Competition and Performance: Every 5 Mins, for 30 mins Complete: 15x Pull Up, 30x Push Up, 45xAir Squat. Fitness: Every 5 Mins, for 30 mins Complete: 15x Ring Row,...

Warm Up: Tabata SU/DU practice. Mobility Pistols: Skill: Ring or Toe Behind Pistols Stength: Candlestick to Pistol. Work Capacity All Levels: Weakness Wednesday- 20 min EMOM Odd min 3-5 Reps Gymnastic Skill Even min 3-5 reps barbell skill....

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility Handstands: Skill: Handstand skill- floor core drill hand against wall (3x 60 sec hold) Strength: Strength: 3x Max HS Hold Nose to wall Woek Capacity Competition and Performance: Jackie' FT 1000m Row, 50x Thruster (20kg) 30x...

Tabata DU practice (4 mins)+ Mobility Toes to Bar Skill: TTB Skill Floor straight/bent leg compression 3x5 Strength: Strict TTB Work Capacity Competition: Back Squat 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90% Finisher: 80 Wallballs for time (20/14) Performance: Back Squat 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90% Finisher:...