Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 3rds 200m run 10x Syncro burpees, 15x Syncro squats 10x Syncro situps Partner WOD: 25 min AMRAP 20 Wall-ball (20/14) – 10′ Target 20 KB Swings (24/16kg) 20 Sit-ups 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Pull-ups 20 Ring...

400m +Mobility Pistols Skill:Bottom Position Squat-Pistol and stand Strength: 5x8 Ring Pistol (+KB) Work Capacity Competitor/Performance/Fitness: KB Partial Press Drills -then- Press 5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%  ...

Warm Up: Medball Volleyball+Mobility TTB Skill: Kipping- Kipping L Raise Strength: 5x2 Strict TTB Work Capacity: All Levels: 2K Row. Coaches Notes: This is a test, a time trial. Go out fast, but maintain form, and...

Warm Up: 4 mins barefoot skip/DU practice Handstands Strength1: HSPU 5x 10 sec eccentrics (kick/walk up into handstand, lower yourself down to headstand as slowly as possible, then relax and come out...

Warm Up: Partner 400m with plate (10/5) + mobility 3rds 10x Syncro burpee, 15x Syncro air squat, 20x Syncro situps WOD: Partner WOD 25 min AMRAP You go I go as needed Ascending Ladder 1x Power Snatch 1x...

4 min Barefoot Skipping + Mobility WOD prep Work Capacity Competition and Performance: 6RFT 400m Medball Run (20/14), 30x Wall Ball Fitness: 6RFT 400m Medball Run (14/10), 30x Wall Ball Coaches Notes: This WOD is about 2 things:...

400m Run + Mobility Run Session 3x 600m, 400m, 200m 60 secs rest between each interval 3 mins rest between each round. ROMWOD Coaches Notes: Working at 80-85% of max effort work on keeping consistency...

Warm Up: 4 min SU/DU Practice + Mobility Pistols: Skills: Bottom of squat to pistol position Strength: Single leg box squat Work Capacity Competitor: 15min Time Cap 4RFT 22 x Pistols 15 x Hang Power Cleans (50/30) Performance: 100x Sit Up,...

Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility Handstands Skill: Handstand skill- floor core drill hand against wall (3x 60 sec hold) Strength: Handstand hold, chest to wall, working on bringing feet away from wall with...