Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 3 mins Barefoot Skipping+Mobility Pistols Skill: 3x max effort holds at top and bottom position of pistol- developing position specific mobility and strength. Strength: 3x5 Air Squat, knees and ankles together. WOD:...

Warm Up: Medball Volleyball + Mobility Hanstand Work Skill: Floor Positioning Work - Hands against Wall. 3x60 seconds Strength: 3x Max Handstand Hold Chest to Wall   WOD: Competition and Performance: 70x HR Push-up, 10x Air Squats...

3 mins barefoot skipping+ Mobility Ankle Mobility Drills TTB Skill work: 3x30 sec hollow hold and arch hold with PVC Strength Work: Straight leg core compression on floor 3x5 WOD: Competition/Performance 10-1 Power Cleans (60/42.5) 1-10 V-Up in between...

Warm Up: 3rds 200m partner run, 10x partner Wallball, 10x partner burpee, 10x partner Wallball sit-up. Mobility Work Capacity: Partner Workout. 18 min AMRAP You go I go complete 1 rd each 10x HPC (42.5/35) 10x Thrusters 10x...

Warm Up 400m + Mobility 3rds 10x Passover, 10x PVC OHS, 10x Hollow Rocks WOD Competitor: 20mins to establish Build to a 6 rep max TnG Squat Snatch   Performance+ Fitness: 10mins to build up to a 5...

Warm Up: 400m + mobility 3rds 12x leg swing each leg, 10x calf drop, 8x jump squat Active Recovery: 10-1 30m shuttles, 30 secs rest between each block (10 shuttles, 30 secs rest,...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 10x Passover, 10x Air Squats, 5x Burpees WOD Prep Competitor: 15min Timecap Buy In - 30 sec HS Hold (accumulate within 1 mat area) 3rds 9 x Deadlifts (120/90) 16 x KB...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility Competitor: “Mary” 20min AMRAP 5 x HSPU 10 x Pistols 15 x Pull Ups Performance: 5 RFT 12x Push Press (42.5/35 kg) 12x KettleBell Swings (32/24 kg) Fitness: 5 RFT 12x Push Press (35/25kg) 12x KettleBell Swings (24/16kg) Coaches Notes: Competitor: We...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 10x Air Saquat, 8x Hollow Rock, 6x Push Up Work Capacity: Competitor: Test 1 12 min Time Cap 15 x GTOH (60/40) 15 x Burpees 10 x GTOH 10 x Burpees 5 x GTOH 5...

Warm Up: Partner 400m plate carry, mobility 3rds 10x synchro Burpee, 10x air squats, 10x hanging knee raise   Partner WOD: FT 2000m Row, 50x Burpee over Rower, 200x DU, 50x Burpee over Rower, 2000mRow...