Author: Duncan

Warm Up 400m+Mobility 2rd 5x Push Up, 10x Arm Circles, 5x Burpee Strength: Bench Press 4x8 Work Capacity: Competitor: Bergeron Bleep Test EMOM as far as possible. 7 x Thrusters 7 x Pull Ups 7 x Burpees Performance and Fitness: 13 min...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 10x lunge, 10x air squat, 10x v-ups Strength: Front Rack Lunge 5x10. increase weight across sets Work Capacity: Competitor: Strength Endurance Battery Test A )7min - Build to 1 RM Power...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 5x burpees, 10x air squats, 15x KB Swings Work Capacity Test Session 1: 250m Row, 15kb Swing 24/16, 20 burpees, 15KB Swing, 250m Row. 3RDS rest 5min between...

Warm Up: 3rds 200m Partner Wallball carry 10x partner wall balls, 10x synchro burpees, 10x partner situp Mobility + WOD prep Partner WOD 25 min time cap 42-30-18 Wall ball Burpee 42-30-18 Kb swing Sit Up 42-30-18 Cal Row/assault bike V-Up 1 person working...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 2rds 10x Jump Squat, 30 sec bottom of squat hold, 10x leg swing each leg 10x V-up Deadlift warm up Strength EMOM 10 mins 3XDL @65-70% Work Capacity Competitor 15 - 10...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility 3rds 6x Push Up, 8x KB DL, 10x KB Swing Shoulder mobility Strength: Push Press: Cycling 4x8 building to a heavy set Work Capacity COMPETITION: 10min Time Cap 25 x Squat Snatches (60/40) Every 5 reps...