Warm Up: 400m + Mobility
A- 10x Air Squat, 5x Push Up, 1x Wall Walk.
B- 10min to establish heavy single back squat
15 Min EMOM 3x Back Squat @65% of heavy single
400m + Mobility
3rds 15x Passovers, 10x Lunges, 5x banded good mornings.
20 Min Ladder as a pair
Increasing by 2 reps each every round
Deadlift (60/42.5)/(40/25)
Hang Power Clean
Back Rack Lunge...
Warm Up: 400m Run +Mobility
A- 10x Banded Good Mornings, 8x Push Ups, 6x Burpees
Work Capacity:
25 min Time cap
50 x Cal Row
50 x Box Over Jumps
50 x D.L (80/60)
50 x Wallballs
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility
A- 3rds 30x SU, 15x Leg swings each leg, 10x spider stretch hip rotations
Work Capacity:
6x400m 1:1 work-rest
Coaches Notes: working at 80-85%, looking for consistency across all...