Author: Duncan

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 3rds 10x leg swings, 8x v-ups, 6 air squats B- WOD Prep COMPETITOR: 15min Window 2000m Row Remaining Time: Max Complex of: 1 x Clean 1 x Hang Clean 1 x...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 10x Air Squat, 5x Push Up, 1x Wall Walk. B- 10min to establish heavy single back squat 15 Min EMOM 3x Back Squat @65% of heavy single Work...

Warm Up: 400m Run +Mobility A- 10x Banded Good Mornings, 8x Push Ups, 6x Burpees Work Capacity: COMPETITION 25 min Time cap 50 x Cal Row 50 x Box Over Jumps 50 x D.L (80/60) 50 x Wallballs 50...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 3rds 30x SU, 15x Leg swings each leg, 10x spider stretch hip rotations Work Capacity: COMPETITION/PERFORMANCE/FITNESS 6x400m 1:1 work-rest Coaches Notes: working at 80-85%, looking for consistency across all...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 5x Ring Row, 10x Russian Twist (light KB), 5x Burpee Strength: 5x8 Deadlift increasing weight across sets Work Capacity: COMPETITOR: 3RFT 9 x D.L (85/55) 6 x Hang Power Cleans 3 x...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 5x Ring Row, 10x Russian Twist (light KB), 5x Burpee   Strength: 5x8 Deadlift increasing weight across sets Work Capacity: COMPETITOR: 3RFT 9 x D.L (85/55) 6 x Hang Power Cleans 3 x...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility A- 5x Lunges (each leg), 10x Goblet Squat, 10x KB Swing Strength- EMOM 12 mins 2x Power clean @ 70% Work Capacity: COMPETITOR: 4RFT 400m Med Ball Run 21 x Wallballs 12 x Strict HSPU   PERFORMANCE 15...

Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility A- 3rds 10x KB Swing, 8x Leg Swing each leg, 10x Passover PARTNER WOD As A Pair 800m Run together 400m KB Carry 200m Partner Carry 400m KB Carry 800m Run...