Author: Duncan

Coaches WarmUp Strength: 3x 10 Good Mornings, Bent Over Row, Rear Delt Flyes Work Capacity L3 12 Min AMRAP 5xRing MU 10xPistol Squat (5 each leg) L2 12 Min AMRAP C2B Cindy L1 12 Min AMRAP Cindy (scale as needed)...

Coaches WarmUp Strength: Deadlift 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% Work Capacity L3 3RFT 10x Push Press (60/42.5), 15x TTB L2 3RFT 10x Push Press (40/30), 15x Straight Leg Raise L1 3RFT 10x Push Press (30/20), 15x V-Up  ...

Coaches WarmUp Strength: Round the World Plank, Plank to PU Hold, Tempo Back Ext, Prone Lat Pull Down (PVC and Band) 4rds: 30sec for plank each side (front/side/bridge/side) 10 reps of other movements Work...

Coaches Warmup Strength: Back Squat- Deload 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% Work Capacity Team Series Workout 8   Strength for the Week: Monday: Squat Tuesday: Long WOD Wednesday: Accessory Thursday: Press Friday: Deadlift...

Coaches Warmup Work Capacity Team Series Workout 7 On a 20-minute clock, for max reps/Weight: Partner 1: 0:00-2:00 Max Handstand push-ups 2:00-4:00 Rest 4:00-6:00 Max Double-unders 6:00-8:00 Rest 8:00-10:00 1-rep-max back squat Then, Partner 2: 10:00-12:00 1-rep-max back squat 12:00-14:00 Rest 14:00-16:00 Max...