Coaches Warmup Strength 20 Rep Squats same weight as last session Work Capacity L3 30-20-10 HPC (50/35) Burpee L2 30-20-10 HPC (40/30) Burpee L1 30-20-10 HPC (30/25) Burpee...

Coaches WarmUp Strength: 4x10 Good Mornings, light to medium weight. Work Capacity L3 EMOM 21 1. 5x Power Clean (70/55) 2. 30x DU 3.3x Bar MU L2 EMOM 21 1. 5x Power Clean (55/40) 2. 30x DU 3.3x Jumping Bar MU L1 EMOM 21 1....

Coaches Warm Up Metcon Pick 1 Option 1. DU 3x50 unbroken 2. Interval AB 30/30 x6 3.5rds 10x Burpee Box Jump 60 sec rest Strength: Waiter Walk Build up to a heavy 2 lengths of the...

Coaches Warm Up Press Skill- choose 1 of the following 1. 4x10 Seated DB Press 2.4x8 Strict HSPU 3. 4x10 Deficit Push Up 60 Sec rest Strength: 20 Rep Squats +2.5kg from last session Work Capacity L3 5RFT 10x Thruster (60/40) 10x...

Coaches Warm Up Strength: 5x2 Turkish Getup Each Side Build to a Heavy Work Capacity EMOM 24 Min 1. 20x Wall Ball (20/14) 2. 15x C2B 3. 10 Cal Assault Bike L2 EMOM 24 Min 1. 15x Wall Ball (20/14) 2....

Coaches Warm up Metcon 1. DU 4x40 unbroken 2. Interval AB 30/30 x8 3.5rds 10x Box Jump Over 60 sec rest Strength: Deadlift 5,3,2 +5/2.5kg Work Capacity L3 Buy In 1 Lap Run 1-10 GTOH (60/40) 10-1 Back Squat Cash Out 1 Lap Run L2 Buy In 1...

Coaches Warm Up Burgener Warm Up Strength Snatch 3,3,2,2,1 Build weight to single L3 15 Min AMRAP 10x RIng Dips 10x Goblet Lunge (24/16) 5x strict HSPU L2 15 Min AMRAP 10x RIng/ Bar Dips 10x Goblet Lunge (16/12) 5x kipping/3mat HSPU L1 15...