Coach's Warm Up Metcon, choose 1 option 1. DU 4x40 unbroken 2. Interval AB 30/30 x8 3.5rds 10x Box Jump Over 60 sec rest Strength: 12 Min EMOM Push Press 3@70% Work Capacity Max Effort Sprint 3RFT MAX EFFORT 1 Lap 15x Burpees Mobility Banded...

Warm Up: 2000m team row+ Mobility Strength: Max Weight Farmers Carry 40m Wod Partner A: Plank Partner B: Burpees Partner C: Air Squats Switch as needed, complete 200 reps burpee between you  ...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Burgener WarmUp Strength: Power Clean 10 Min build to heavy single 10 Min EMOM 3 reps @65% Work Capacity 5RFT 4x Front Rack Lunge (60/42.5) 8x Box over Jumps 5RFT 4x Front Rack Lunge...

Warm Up: 1 Lap Run + Mobility Strength: Deadlift 12 mins to build to a heavy 5 Work Capacity 7RFT 3xPower Snatch (55/40) 3x OHS 6x Bar Facing Burpee 7RFT 3xPower Snatch (45/35) 3x OHS 6x Bar Facing Burpee 5RFT 3xPower Snatch...

Warm Up: 5 Mins Cardio + Mobility 3rds 20 sec KB Arm Bar Each arm, medium weight. Strength: "Turkish Getup 5x1 each side, increase weight each set Use a spotter as needed Work Capacity 5RFT 1 Lap Run 15x...

Warm up: 1 Lap+ Mobility Strength: Thrusters 10/8/6/4/2 increasing weight each round. Work Capacity 5rft 10x Power Cleans (60/45), 10x burpees over bar, 10x Box Jumps 5rft 10x Power Cleans (50/35), 10x burpees over bar,...