Warm up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: 12 Min Build to heavy 5 Back Squat Work Capacity: 15 Min AMRAP 15x Russian Swings (32/24) 10x Goblet Lunge 10x Russian Twist with KB 15 Min AMRAP 15x Russian Swings (24/16) 10x...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Skill: DB Thrusters (Practice!) 10 Min EMOM 5x DB Thruster (your choice of weight) Work Capacity   10 Min AMRAP 10x Pull Up 10x Pistol 10x Hollow Rocks 10 Min AMRAP 10x Pull Up 10x Pistol (foot...

Warm Up: 5 mins cardio + Mobility Strength: 10 mins to build to a 3 rep heavy complex: 1xHang Power Clean 1x STOH Work Capacity: Competitor "For Time 5rds Cindy Followed by 5rds 'DT' (70/55) Performance For Time 5rds Cindy...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: 10 Mins to establish a 1RM OHS Work Capacity: 15 Min EMOM Min 1: 2 Reps OHS@ 70% of above heavy single Min 2: 5x HSPU (scaled as needed) Min 3:...

Warm Up: 5 mins cardio + Mobility 20 min EMOM Min 1: 30 sec row Min 2: 15x KB Swings (medium weight) Min 3: 30 sec Assault Bike Min 4: 10x Burpees 4th Quarter: 20 mins coach...

Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Strength: Front squat 5x8 @ 70% 1RM Work Capacity Competitor: 21-15-9 Back Rack Lunge (55/45 in place) TTB 42-30-18 DU Performance: 21-15-9 Back Rack Lunge (45/35in place) TTB/K2E 42-30-18 DU Fitness: 21-15-9 Back Rack Lunge (35/25 in place) Straight Leg Raise/V-ups 80-60-40 SU...