14 Feb WOD 15th February 2017
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility 3rds 10x goblet Squats, 5x know press each arm 20x DU Judged Workout Work Capacity RX: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of: 7 muscle-ups 50...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility 3rds 10x goblet Squats, 5x know press each arm 20x DU Judged Workout Work Capacity RX: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of: 7 muscle-ups 50...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility 3rds 10x leg swings, 5x push ups, 10x pvc goodmornings Work Capacity Competitor: 8 min AMRAP 5x STOH (52.5/45) 10x DL 15x Box Jump (24/20) Performance: 8 min AMRAP 5x STOH (40/30) 10x DL 15x Box Jump...
Warm up: 1 Lap + Mobility 3rds 10x goblet Squat- 20 sec hold, 10x Passover Strength: 5x3 Front Squat, build to heavy 3 Work Capacity: Competition: 10min Time cap - get as far as possible...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility 2rds 15x synchro Air Squat, 10x synchro burpee, 5 synchro push ups Teams of 4 2 work in synchro 2 rest (scale movement/weight as needed) For Time 100x KB...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility 3 rds 10x PVC Good Mornings, 10x Air Squat, 10x Pass Over Strength: 5x5 Back Squat, Working to a heavy 5 for the day. Work Capacity JUDGED WORKOUT Competitor: 21-15-9 Calorie...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Skill TTB Tekkers Recap the Kip 3x Max TTB/K2E/Knee Raise Work Capacity: Competitor: 4 Min AMRAP 4 Bar MU 4x Pistol Each Leg Rest 2 min Repeat Performance: 4 Min AMRAP 10 Ring Dip 4 pistol each leg...
Warm Up: 1Lap + Mobility 3rds 10x Jump Squat, 10x Pillar to Plank, 10x Burpee Skill: Snatch and Swing Tekkers 4 mins every 30 secs, 4 swings/3 snatches each arm. Work Capacity Competitor 5RFT 10x KB Snatch each...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility Judged workout- in pairs 1 person does workout, 1 judges for standards, then you swap over. Work Capacity Competitor: 21-15-9 Row For Calories HSPU Burpees Performance: 21-15-9 Row For Calories...
Warm Up: 1 lap + mobility Skill: Snatch Cycling and DU practice WOD: 11.1 RX: 10 Min AMRAP 30x DU 15x Power Snatch (35/25) Scaled:10 Min AMRAP 60x SU 15x Power Snatch (25/20)...
Warm Up: 1 Lap + Mobility WOD Part A: 10mins to work up to a 5Rm Back Squat 1 min rest Competition: 10 min AMRAP 10x Front Squat (60/42.5) 10x Burpee over Bar Performance: 10 min AMRAP 10x Front Squat (45/35) 10x...