Warm Up 3 mins barefoot skipping and mobility Pistols Skill: Practice top and bottom position Strength: 3x5 each leg single leg step ups. Working step up leg only. WOD: Competitor: 3min AMRAP Pistols Rest 1min 4min AMRAP Bar...

Warm Up: Medball Relay + Mobility Handstand Skill: Tripod Positioning into tucked headstand Strength: Headstand Partner Kick Up WOD: Competition: 15min AMRAP 8 x OHS (70/40) 16 x TTB 30 x Unbroken D.U ( if you miss start from...

Warm Up: 3 mins Barefoot Skipping+Mobility Pistols Skill: 3x max effort holds at top and bottom position of pistol- developing position specific mobility and strength. Strength: 3x5 Air Squat, knees and ankles together. WOD:...

Warm Up: Medball Volleyball + Mobility Hanstand Work Skill: Floor Positioning Work - Hands against Wall. 3x60 seconds Strength: 3x Max Handstand Hold Chest to Wall   WOD: Competition and Performance: 70x HR Push-up, 10x Air Squats...

3 mins barefoot skipping+ Mobility Ankle Mobility Drills TTB Skill work: 3x30 sec hollow hold and arch hold with PVC Strength Work: Straight leg core compression on floor 3x5 WOD: Competition/Performance 10-1 Power Cleans (60/42.5) 1-10 V-Up in between...