Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 10x Jump Squats, 10x Band Passover, 5x Band Pull Apart Work Capacity COMPETITOR 20min AMRAP “Nate” 2 x M.U 4 x HSPU 8 x KB Swings (32/24) PERFORMANCE "Danny' 20 Min AMRAP 30x Box Jump (24/20) 20x Push...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility A- 3rd 10x Passover, 10x Air Squat, 10x Straight Leg DL with PVC Strength- Front Squat 5,5,3,3,1. Work to Heavy Single Work Capacity COMPETITION 3RFT 15 x GTOH (70/50) 12 x TTB 10m HS Walk PERFORMANCE 3RFT 500m Row/2...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 3rft 8x Lunges, 6x Burpees 4x Push Ups Strength- Bench Press 8x3 Work Capacity: COMPETITION 12 mins Time cap 100 x Burpees to 6in target In remaining Time Max Complex 1 x...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility 3rds 10x synchro Air Squats, 10x Synchro Hollow Rocks, 10x Synchro Burpees Strength Work up to a heavy 1 length of the box farmers carry (using handles) Work Capacity...

Warm Up: 400m+Mobility A- 3rds 10x Air Squat , 8x Passover, 6x  Push Up Strength- Pressing Complex: 1xStrict Press, 1x Push Press, 1x Push Jerk Work to heavy single COMPETITOR 400m Run 35 x Bench Press...

Warm Up: 400m+ Mobility A- 3Rds 5x Burpees, 10x banded good mornings, 12x banded hamstring stretch B-10x2 DL @70% Work Capacity COMPETITION 10min EMOM ODD - 2-5 Ring M.U Even - 15 x Burpees Straight in to: 21 -...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 3rds 10x leg swings, 8x v-ups, 6 air squats B- WOD Prep COMPETITOR: 15min Window 2000m Row Remaining Time: Max Complex of: 1 x Clean 1 x Hang Clean 1 x...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility A- 10x Air Squat, 5x Push Up, 1x Wall Walk. B- 10min to establish heavy single back squat 15 Min EMOM 3x Back Squat @65% of heavy single Work...