Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
8 x Burpees
8 x Wallballs
8 x Passovers
8 x Hollow Rocks
B - Catch Up Mon/Tue/Wed
C - FT
400m Run
18 x Pull Ups
400m Run
15 x Pull...
Warm Up: 10 x Shuttles + Mobility
A - 3rds
10 sec Hanging
8 x Passovers
6 x Strict Pull Ups
4 x Strict HSPU
B - 12 min to establish 1RM Thruster - from a...
Warm Up: 800m Run + Mobility
A -
Max Push Ups
Max Pull ups
Max Hollow Hold
B - 3 x 8 Barbell Step ups 24/20 (build to a heavy set of 8, 4 each leg)
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
10 sec hanging
10 x Passovers
10 x OHS (w/b)
20 sec Goblet Squat Hold
B - 15 mins to build to a 2RM Hang Snatch for...
Warm Up: 10 x Shuttles + Mobility
A - 3rds
8 x TTB
8 x Hollow Rocks
8 x Jump Lunges
10 sec Hanging
B - Catch Up Mon/Tue/wed
C - FT
20 x GTOH (40/25)
20 x D.U
20 x...
Warm Up: 10 x Shuttles + Mobility
A - 3rds
10 x Passovers
8 x Strict Pull ups
6 x Strict HSPU
B - 15 mins to build up to a 3rmBear Complex
C- Time Cap...
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
15 sec Couch Stretch
10 x A.S
15 x Hollow rocks
10 x TTB
B - 15mins to establish 5RM Back Squat
C - 20min AMRAP
1 x Clean...