HERE WE GO CREW!! Let's start 2015 off with a Bang!!!!
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
15 sec Couch Stretch
10 x A.S
10 x Passovers
7 x Strict Pull Ups
15 sec...
Warm Up: 400m Run +Mobility
A - 3rds
20 sec Goblet squat hold
10 x Passovers
10 x TTB
Teams of 3
75 x Back Squats (90/55)
75 x Push Jerk (60/40)
75 x Burpees
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
15 x A.S
10 x TTB
5 x Strict HSPU
B - Deadlift 6,6,5,4,4,3
C - 8min AMRAP
20 x Jump Squats Over Bar
10 x Deadlifts (70/50)
REST 3mins