Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
6 x Broad Jumps
12 x Push Ups
18 x M.C
B - Bar Work - 15mins on your weakness and your level
Kipping practice / TTB...
Warm Up: Mobility
A - 3rds
200m Run
7 x Push Ups
14 x |D.U
21 x Sit Ups
B - Catch Up Mon/Tue/Wed
C -
42 - 30 - 18
21 - 15 - 9
GTOH (50/30)...
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility
A - 3rds
10 x Burpees
10 x Wallballs
10 x V - Ups
B - Deadlift 5 x 5 (Increase over the sets)
C - FT
500m Row
50 x Burpees
Warm Up: Mobility
A - 3rds
200m Run
10 x Burpees
8 x HSPU
B - Work Up to a heavy Turkish Get Up on both arms.
C - FT
500m Row
50 x Goblet Squats (24/16)
25 x Push...
Warm Up: 400m run + Mobility
A - 3rds
10 x Burpees
6 x Strict HSPU
10 x Hollow Rocks
B - Catch Up Mon/Tue/Wed
C - 5RFT
10 x P.P (50/35)
15 x D.L (50/35)
30 x D.U
Warm Up: Mobility + Band Stretches
A - 3rds
5 x Shuttle Runs
10 x M.C each side
10 x Hanging Knee Raises
B - Build to a heavy complex 1 x Hang Clean 1 x Clean