02 Aug Member of the Month: Marco Goncalves
How did you first get involved with Crossfit Solent?
Well, I started Crossfit with you guys at Crossfit Solent. Previously I was a member of a gym, and even though I had a contract that lasted for a year I probably went there twice. After sharing that with João Marques he recommended me to try Crossfit and, by his words you guys were “the best” so I’ve joined this family and started this Journey in April 2016.
What has been your most memorable Crossfit Moment so far?
I will have to say the Crossfit games, the atmosphere, the community, the support, it was amazing. I remember feeling anxious before every workout, but it was awesome.
Name a CF goal you hope to achieve by the end of 2017?
I want to improve my technique in most of the weightlifting movements. But if I had to narrow it down, I would probably say being able to cycle between sets of 10 proper kipping pull ups. (and getting some decent double under would be nice too, haha)
What do you do when you are not training at Crossfit Solent?
Between my work as a Nurse at the General, most of the times you will find me either going out to the sea side with the girlfriend (I´ll promise I’ll keep trying to convince her to join us) or annoying the neighbors with loud music while trying to cook something with occasional head banging and air guitar solos in the middle…I know it doesn’t seem like it but I love cooking and eating.
What is your biggest improvement since you started Crossfit?
Pffff, where can I start… I remember my induction classes with Olly, I couldn’t even lift a male bar above head properly. I became stronger, faster and more agile. I’m lifting 3 to 4 times more weight than I was able in the begging and I’m now able to do things I could never imagine like muscle ups and toes to bar. I literally improved everything, even my self-confidence, and general well being.
What is your favorite part of being a Crossfit Solent Member?
I will have to say the community. This sense of partnership…this friendship with the coaches and the other members it´s such a huge incentive for you to head to the box and give your best… The way everyone supports and congratulates you when you achieve something has no explanation possible, it´s awesome and gives you that extra bit for you to try and overcome yourself every time.
Design your own workout:
I love a good partner wod
Partner WOD
1000 meters row buy in
120 Pull Ups
1 lap
100 Push Ups
1 lap
80 Toes to bar
1 lap
60 burpees
1 lap
40 power cleans
1 lap
1000 meters row
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