Warm Up: Coach's Warm Up
Workout: Cardiovascular Endurance Training
5 x
800m Runs
1:1 Work/Rest
Staple Running intervals. You will rest the same amount of time it takes for you...
Warm Up: Coach's Warm Up
Workout: 6 Rounds
9 x Power Cleans @ 50/35
Max Burpees Over bar in remaining time
REST 30sec
50x Dubs
max DB Thrusters @...
Warm Up: Coach's Warm Up
Skill: Max Set on each of the following:
Strict Pull ups C2B TTB Push Ups
Breaking down the movements and testing scales and ability...
Warm Up: Coach's Warm Up
Workout: Long Conditioning
35min AMRAP
500m Row
15 x Thrusters @ 30/25
400m Run
15 x Bar Facing Burpees
100 x Single Unders
15 x Pull...
Warm Up: Coach's Warm Up
Workout: "29 is the new 39"
29 min AMRAP - Partner WOD
1000m Row + 50/40Cal AB (choose between pairs)
29 x DB Burpee Box Step Overs...