22 Jan Success Stories: Interview with Solent Athlete Becky Standen
Tell us how you got started in CrossFit?
I started Crossfit 3 years ago. I used to be a personal trainer and i started off doing X training competitions, which is circuit based training (for example you are given a task to complete in a certain time like a timed workout in Crossfit). I thought I was fit back then, until I started Crossfit.
Some friends introduced me to Crossfit who had started up a box. I decided to join CrossFit Solent. I spent probably 4 to 5 months just being a member and then decided to do my Level 1 following an Internship.
So you had an Internship before you became a coach at CrossFit Solent?
Yes, I went through the Intro and Internship with Duncan Aldous (Crossfit Solent Founder and Head Coach) and after that became a Crossfit Solent Coach.
Do you ever do any other kind of weight training or are you 100% CrossFit?
Olympic lifting is involved in Crossfit and I do that, but basically all CrossFit based training in preparation for competitions.
Do you do more than one CrossFit workout per day?
Yes. Yesterday for instance, I treated the day as a competition day and did four workouts. I am building up towards TAG 2016 next week and I need to get used to multiple sessions a day. But it depends which phase I am in, so at the moment I am in a metcon phase and I am conditioning myself for a competition scenario, but leading up to TAG next week, I will be reducing my training to be ready for the competition itself. Probably a mini strength phase again, keep the metcon up and just maintaining it and try and keep the engine for the OPEN 2016.
Is there a time in the year, where you don’t have any competitions planned, or is this up to you?
I have a few competitions in Europe, Pairs and Team competitions, but my main focus and goals are TAG and the OPEN. But I also try and do more Team and paired competitions because I really enjoy them too.
Does your workout consist of a WOD or do you do extra work on top of that?
Crossfit workouts vary, so we never know what the workouts or competition is going to be. So for instance one of my weaknesses has been lifting heavy straight after an intense workout. So I have worked on that a lot this year, just my strength in general, but also try and mix it up as much as I can, but most of the time its a strength workout and something fast, like an AMRAP.
What kind of music do you listen to when you are working out?
I like a lot of Hip Hop music, RnB and Soul, when I am lifting and its more of a chilled workout. But I also like a lot of Dance music, for a long Metcon workout or when you throwing down or in a competition.
We all have at least one, what is the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
Ice Ice Baby
What does your diet look like?
My diet is pretty clean. I used to be very low carb, but this has gone out of the window, since I started competing and trying to get stronger. Taking advice from Crossfit Solents’s Nutritionist Sam Griffiths (Solent Nutrition Coach) changed that.
I eat quiet a lot of carbohydrate now, like sweet potato, rice, porridge in the morning. Obviously lots of protein, ICON nutrition, and as much fruit and veg.
You have three meals a day?
I tend to have four meals. A lot of the time I wake up and would be hungry and would have a bowl of porridge.
What are the top 10 food we find in your kitchen?
Porridge, Peanut butter, Honey, Yoghurt, Salmon, Avocado, Spinach, Eggs, Chicken, Fruit & Veg
What are your favourite and least favourite CrossFit exercises?
Thats a tough one, as that has changed since I started. My biggest weakness got highlighted at the French Throwdown, which was OHS and Ring Dips, and it was a workout with both of those exercises in. But ever since then, because that has been my weakness I have turned it into one of my strengths, which now is not a problem anymore.
Favourite exercise: Muscle Ups and Snatch
Least favourite exercise: Thrusters
If you could give somebody starting in CrossFit some advice what would it be?
Be patient and always look back to where you started.
Tell me who is your biggest CrossFit influence?
When I first started at CrossFit I used to watch Andrea Ager, she was probably my idol, but also Julie Foucher.
Fav cheat food?
A (greasy) Burger
What does the future hold for you?
Hopefully the CrossFit Regionals!
Photos © Katja Gebuhr
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