30 Jun WOD 1st July 2016
Warm Up: 400m Run +Mobility
A- 10x Banded Good Mornings, 8x Push Ups, 6x Burpees
Work Capacity:
25 min Time cap
50 x Cal Row
50 x Box Over Jumps
50 x D.L (80/60)
50 x Wallballs
50 x Dips
50 x Wallballs
50 x D.L
50 x Box Over Jumps
50 x Cal Row
5x DL (125/85)
13x Push Up
9x Box JUmp (24/20)
5x DL (85/60)
13x Push Up
9x Box Jump (24/20)
Coaches Notes:
Regionals 2014 WOD.. This is a grinder.. this WOD is all about pacing yourself. Making sure your mechanics don’t break down and you know your numbers to break the WOD down.. stick to a plan.. Limiting factor for most is the 50 x Dips!
Performance and Fitness: For this AMRAP we are looking for consistency of rounds and reps, choose an appropriate level where you can keep up a set pace. Break things up early, but with short rest only.
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