27 Jun WOD 28th June 2016
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility
3rds 5x Ring Row, 10x Russian Twist (light KB), 5x Burpee
Strength: 5×8 Deadlift increasing weight across sets
Work Capacity:
9 x D.L (85/55)
6 x Hang Power Cleans
3 x Clean + Jerks
3 x Bar Muscle Ups
6 x C2B
9 x Pull Ups
Death By Burpee Pull Ups (start at 2, increase by 2 each min.)
Death By Burpee Ring Row (start at 2, increase by 2 each min.)
Coaches Notes
Competitor: Have a plan.. similar start to DT WOD with complex of DL/HPC and C+J.. First round aim for unbroken on the Oly complex… Gymnastics complex go unbroken all the way through..
Performance and Fitness: Pace the reps for as long as you can.
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