06 Sep WOD 6th September 2016
Warm Up:
Skill: Handstand skill- floor core drill hand against wall (3x 60 sec hold)
Strength: Strength: 3x Max HS Hold Nose to wall
Woek Capacity
Competition and Performance:
Jackie’ FT 1000m Row, 50x Thruster (20kg) 30x Pull Up
Jackie’ FT 1000m Row, 50x Thruster (20kg) 30x Pull Up Or Ring Rows
Coaches Notes: Settle into the row quickly at a steady pace, you do not want to max the row out. For the thrusters, if you are confident with them go for big sets/ unbroken. If not stick to consistent sets with short rest, don’t blow up on your first set. Pull ups again should be done in big sets if possible. If not again consistency with short rests is key.
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