15 Apr WOD 16th April 2018
Coaches Warm Up
Skill: Handstand Push Ups
Positioning against the wall, bracing and tripod.
10 Min EMOM 3 Strict HSPU, scaled as needed to maintain them strict
Work Capacity
5 Ring MU
10x Squat Clean (60/42.5)
20x Box Jump
Coaches Notes: This workout is a sub-10 minute workout, ideally it should be taking no more than 7-8 minutes. The aim for the MU’s is 1-2 sets per round, the cleans 2 sets of 5 or 3 sets. Scaling the MU, go to jumping ring MU first, then MU turnovers using a band/box/feet on floor.
See the example below of what we are looking for regarding the jumping ring MU
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