10 Sep WOD 11th September 2017
Coaches Warm Up
Back Squat: Working off a 1 RM based off your squat numbers from last week (see table on noticeboard for numbers)
Formula for working out 1RM:
Weight × Reps × .0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM
Example 5RM =100kg. 100 x5 x.0333 +100 =117kg. 1Rm to use for % work =117kg
If you did not squat last week, find your 5RM and add to the table on the noticeboard
12 Mins
0 Min: Warm Up with Bar 5 Reps
3 min:3 reps at weight lighter than first working set
6 Min: 5@65%
9 Min: 5@75%
12 Min: 5+@85%
Rest and mobilise in each 3 min block when not lifting. DO NOT JUST STAND AROUND!!!!!!!!!
60 sec max row, 30 secs rest
60 sec max DU 30 secs rest
Scale DU as needed
Weekly Strength Schedule:
Monday: Squat
Tuesday: Press
Wednesday: Long WOD
Thursday: Deadlift
Friday: Accessory
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