11 Sep WOD 12th September 2017
Coaches Warm Up
Strength: Press
Working off a 1 RM based off your squat numbers from last week (see table on noticeboard for numbers)
Formula for working out 1RM:
Weight × Reps × .0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM
Example 5RM =100kg. 100 x5 x.0333 +100 =117kg. 1Rm to use for % work =117kg
If you did not press last week, find your 5RM and add to the table on the noticeboard
12 Mins
0 Min: Warm Up with Bar 5 Reps
3 min:3 reps at weight lighter than first working set
6 Min: 5@65%
9 Min: 5@75%
12 Min: 5+@85%
Rest and mobilise in each 3 min block when not lifting. DO NOT JUST STAND AROUND!!!!!!!!!
Work Capacity
2x 3min AMRAP
5x Power clean (60/42.5)
5x Burpees
Rest 60 sec between AMRAPS
2x 3min AMRAP
5x Med ball clean(20/14)
5x Burpees
Rest 60 sec between AMRAPS
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