01 Jun D-Day Remembrance Team WOD. 2nd June 2018
Coaches Warm Up
For Time (with a Partner)
Phase 1: “Overlord”
1944 meter Row
Phase 2: “Airborne Drop”
60 Pull-Ups
1 lap run
Phase 3: “Omaha Beach”
60 TTB
1 lap run
Phase 4: “Utah Beach”
60 Push-Ups
1 lap run
Phase 5: “Gold Beach”
60 Kettlebell Swings
1 lap Run
Phase 6: “Sword Beach”
60 Thrusters (20/15)
1 lap run
Phase 7: “Juno Beach”
60 Burpees
1 lap run
Each partner group will carry their kettlebell everywhere. The non-working partner will hold the kettlebell off the ground while the other partner works. Split up the work as needed, except runs (run together).
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