17 Jul WOD 18th July 2016
Warm Up 400m + Mobility
2rds 10x Goblet Squat-20 sec hold, 10x KB swing
Front Squats 5×3 Pause Squats at 65-75%
Work Capacity:
21 – 15 – 9
Deadlifts (100/70)
10 mins every 30 secs 10 Russian KB swing (24/16)
10 mins every 30 secs 10 Russian KB swing (16/12)
Coaches Notes:
Competitor: Benchmark testing time – All about your HSPU. No your limits. If you are strong then unbroken the whole way. If not then break early and have a set game plan right from the beginning.
Performance and Fitness: This is a grip and hip burner. Try and keep a consistent time for each set. Keep the arms and hands as relaxed as you can, and make sure you’re squeezing your butt and driving heels into the floor on each rep, and not over extending through the lower back, otherwise that back will hurt!
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