21 Jul WOD 22nd July 2016
Warm Up: 400m + Mobility
2rds 10x Jump Squat, 30 sec bottom of squat hold, 10x leg swing each leg 10x V-up
Deadlift warm up
EMOM 10 mins 3XDL @65-70%
Work Capacity
15 – 10 – 5
Clusters (60/40)
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Performance and Fitness
Tabata Squats
Tabata Pushups (Fitness scales as needed)
Tabata Sit Ups
Coaches Notes:
Competitor: Technical clusters at a heavy weight requires efficient moving. Small sets and just go fast on the burpee box jump overs. Hips are going to be tested here!
Performance and Fitness: Consistency is key in this game of mental toughness. Aim to hit as close to your first round numbers as you can each round, but no holding back st the start!
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