Coaches Warm Up Strength/ Skill: snatch warm up 15 mins to build to a heavy 3 squat snatch WOD L3 2rds For Time 15 Power Snatch (60/42.5) 15 Squat Snatch L2 2rds For Time 15 Power Snatch (42.5/35) 15 Squat Snatch L1 2rds For...

Coaches WarmUp Sumo Deadlift 5-5-3-3-2 (Build to a heavy double) Perform a max set of strict pull ups/ ring Rows immediately after each set. Rest 3 min between sets Work Capacity 40-30-20-10 KB Swing (24/16) Sit Ups 1 Lap...

Coaches Warm Up Strength: Build to a heavy 4 lengths of box carry- one KB in front rack, other in farmers grip. Change sides after 2 lengths Work Capacity L3 2RFT 18 Cal Row 15 Thrusters (42.5/30) 12...

Coaches Warm Up Strength: Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3 (build to heavy 3) Work Capacity L3 20 min AMRAP 10x Single arm alternating KB/ DB Clean and press (24/16) 20x alternating box step ups (20") L2 20 min AMRAP 10x Single...

Coaches WarmUp Strength: 5rds: 1length slow bear crawl, 1 length double front rack KB carry, 2 lengths prisoner Duck Walk, 1 length heavy farmers carry. All rounds are slow and controlled. Not for...

Coaches WarmUp D-Day Memorial Partner WOD Partner WOD Phase 1 “Overlord” (this was code name of the operation.) row 1944m split (Significance is that is the year 1944, and they troops left England by...

Coaches Warm Up Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 Ring dips (scale down or add weight as needed) Work Capacity L3 3RFT 21 Wall Ball (20/14) 14 HSPU 7 DL (145/90) L2 3RFT 21 Wall Ball (20/14) 14 HSPU (3mats/plates) 7 DL (100/65) L1 "3RFT 21 Wall Ball (14/10) 14...