Short Interval: 6x200m 1:1 work to rest
Long Interval: 4x 1000m 3 mins rest
Time Trial: 10k
Short Interval: 8x 250m 1:1 work to rest
Long Interval: 4x 4...
Warm Up A: Mobility + 3rds 200m Run 7 x HSPU 7 x Burpees
Warm Up B: Light Bar Clean Tekkers
Strength: Back Squat 5 x 5 (75% across all sets)
WOD: 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Front Squats...
Warm Up A: Mobility + 400m Run + 3rds 7 x TTB 14 x M.C 21 x D.U
Warm Up B: Rope Climbs
Strength: Muscle Up Progressions
WOD: 10min AMRAP
10m Handstand Walk OR 30...
Warm Up A: Mobility (Squat Therapy + Overhead Specifics)
Warm Up B: Snatch Warm Up
Strength: Hang Snatch 1 rm
6 x Thrusters (70/50)
12 x Pull-ups
24 x Push Ups
Warm Up: Mobility + 3rds 4 x Shuttles 8 x Dips 16 x D.U
Strength: Extra Mobility Or Catch Up Mon/Tue/Wed
50 x Swings (24/16)
30 x Push Press (55/35)
100m Plate...
STRENGTH PHASE - Olympic Lifting Focus!!!!
Warm Up A: Mobility + 3rds 200m Run 5 x Pull Ups 7 x Box Jumps 9 x Good Mornings
Warm Up B: Empty Bar Clean...
Short Interval: 8x 100m 30 secs rest
Long Interval: 6x 600m 2 min rest
Tempo Run 30 mins at 60-70 %
Short Interval: 12x 100m 1:2 work to rest
Long Interval:...
Warm Up: Mobility + 3rds 200m Run 1 x Rope Climbs 5 x Push Ups
Skill: H.S Walk
Strength: Floor Press 5 x 3
WOD: 12min AMRAP
4 x HSPU
8 x Power Snatches (45/30)