Warmup: Mobility + 3Rds Cindy Strength: Cleans 6x1 @ 90% 1RM WOD: FT 1000m Row 15x Cleans (50/35) 25x C2B Pullups 25x Box Jumps 15x Push Press 50x DU 30x TTB 15x Snatches 20x Ring Dips 30x Kettlebell Swings (24/16) 30x Sit ups 20x Sumo...

Warm Up: Mobility + 3rds 200m Medball Carry, 10x Wall Balls Strength: DL 5 x 3 Increasing weight each set WOD: FT Without putting the KB Down on the floor: 100x KB Swings (16/12) 75x KB...

Warm Up: Mobility + 100 Sit ups Strength: Clean Complex- 1x High Hang Clean, 1x Hang Clean, 1x Clean WOD:FT 40 Cal Row 30x HSPU 20x Deadlifts (80/50) 10x Bar MU...

Warm Up: 400m + Mobility Strength A: 1 RM Power Snatch Strength B: Back Squat 3 x 3 WOD: Crossfit Solent Baseline!!! 500m Row 40 x A.S 30 x Sit Ups 20 x Hand Release Push Ups 10 x...