Warm Up: 3 rds 200m Run / 5 pull ups / thrusters + Mobility
Strength: 15 min to work Up to 1 rm Snatch Balance
7x Back squat (bw)
7x Pull-ups
Warm Up: 400m Run + 3rds 5 x Pull Ups/ 10 x Air Squats 15 x DU + Mobility
Strength: Catch up strength from Mon/Tues/Wed
WOD: 15min AMRAP
20 x 1 arm Kettlebell OH Lunge Walk...
Warm Up: CF Solent W/U + Mobility
Strength: Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3
WOD: 19min Time Cap
You will record 3 scores:
Run 1 Mile
5 x Snatch Attempt Weight Total
Run 400m...