Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility + 75 DU
Strength: Choice of 15 min Tekkers of Muscle Ups/Bar Muscle Ups/Pull Up practice.
WOD: In 8 Mins
18-15-12-9-6 reps of:
Thrusters (20/15)
Remaining time as many...
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility + Burgener W/U
Strength: OTM for 10mins 1xPower Snatch 1xOHS 1xHang Power Snatch 1xOHS @ 60/65% of OHS max or PS max
10 x T2B
Warm Up: 3rds 200m Run / 10 AS / 15 Pass Through + Mobility
Strength: SDHP + Medball Clean Tekkers
WOD: 'Chipper'
800m Run
100 x SDLHP (20/15)
60 x Thrusters (20/15)
50 x Sit Ups
Warm Up: 400m Run + 3rds of 5x Push Ups 10 x Pass Throughs 15 x Thrusters
Strength: Handstand to forward roll practice THEN 50x Hollow Rocks / 50 Superman Rocks /...