Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility + 3 x Max D.U / Triple Unders
Strength: Front Squats 3,3,3,3,3,3
WOD: "Helen"
400m Run
21 x KBS (24/16)
12 x Pull Ups...
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility + 3rds 5 x Pull Ups 10 x Push Ups 15 x A.S
Strength: Extra Mobility OR Catch Up Mon/Tue/Wed
20 x Burpee Wall Balls...
Warm Up: 400m Run + Mobility + Max DU in 2mins
Strength: 15min to Establish 1rm Power Clean
WOD: 5 Rounds - 3 mins to complete
400m Run
10 x Thrusters 60/40
If the clock...
Warm Up: Mobility + 3rds 200m Run 5 x Pull Ups 10 x Push Ups 15 x A.S
Strength: Back Squat Warm Up to 85% then 5,4,3,3
600m Run
20 x Burpees